Dancing Ballz: Magic Beat Hack Cheats Free Device Apple Ipad
Device Apple Ipad Dancing Ballz: Magic Beat
Publish dates: 2017-08-01
info: Music Dance Line Tiles Game
notice: The amount of thought put into the game and how it progresses with you and your learning speed and how the music climatizes and gets better and better and the finale song was bloody best song ever. When I fished the last level my heart dropped knowing that I beat the and I have to wait for more. I never played such a good new unified unique game. Highly addictive and deserves so much more appraisal. I will never stop playing I won’t ever delete this game because it is the best game I have played since geometry dash came out. And I see so much potential in this game and its future that I want you guys to keep making more level and to keep making this more and more amazing. The simplicity but yet complexity of the game is just pure hard core astonishing. Thank you so much with the super enriching game
4,5 / 5
160486 Kilobyte
Version: 1.6.5
Language: English
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Dancing Ballz: Magic beating.